How does using TYDR benefit me?

You can use TYDR to give you statistics about what you do with your smartphone. How long did you use it for and at which times of day? Where have you been today? Which apps did you use most? Additionally, you can fill out psychological questionnaires. You can immediately see the results about your personality traits. We will offer a study in which you fill out a psychological questionnaire on a daily basis – you can win prizes for participating!

Are you a company that just wants my data?

No company was involved in the development of TYDR. This is a research project by Technische Universität Berlin and partners. The data will only be used for research purposes.

What is the research purpose of TYDR?

We aim at researching the prediction of personality from smartphone data. If that is possible, mobile health applications could give more individual feedback to users, for example.

Why does TYDR want access to my storage, location, etc.?

In order to provide smartphone statistics, TYDR has to be able to access these data sources. The storage permission for example is used to retrieve statistics about the pictures you took. We just store statistics like date and size and never do anything with the pictures themselves.

What if I don’t want all data to be collected?

You can configure that. TYDR uses the Android permission system, in which you can individually grant or revoke permissions for location, call, app usage, storage, etc. For example, if you don’t want your notification count to be collected, you can just not grant that permission and still use the other features of TYDR.

Who has access to my data?

You can view your own data and you can export a database with all your data. We receive your data via a secured connection. We will use your data for research purposes only. We never give your data to third parties.

I want to check my friend’s TYDR data!

That is not possible with TYDR. You would have to ask you friend to show it to you.

Will the data be linked to my name or email address?

No, there is no sign-up process for using TYDR – so we do not know you name or email address. Email addresses shared during study sign-up will are stored separately and are not associated with user smartphone data.

How can I stop from my data being collected?

You can un-install the app to completely stop data collection. You can revoke certain permissions – app usage, call statistics, location, etc., to limit the type of data that is being collected.

Does TYDR follow all GDPR regulations?

Yes, TYDR follows all GDPR regulations and also was approved by the ethics commission of Technische Universität Berlin.

My question is missing!

Please get in touch with us via email.