Beierle, Felix and Tran, Vinh Thuy and Allemand, Mathias and Neff, Patrick and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Zimmermann, Johannes and Pryss, Rüdiger (2019). What data are smartphone users willing to share with researchers? Designing and evaluating a privacy model for mobile data collection apps. In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Paper ansehen (Englisch)
Beierle, Felix and Tran, Vinh Thuy and Allemand, Mathias and Neff, Patrick and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Pryss, Rüdiger and Zimmermann, Johannes (2018). Context Data Categories and Privacy Model for Mobile Data Collection Apps. In Procedia Computer Science, vol. 134, pp. 18-25. [Best Paper Award MobiSPC 2018] Paper ansehen (Englisch)
Beierle, Felix and Tran, Vinh Thuy and Allemand, Mathias and Neff, Patrick and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Pryss, Rüdiger and Zimmermann, Johannes (2018). TYDR – Track Your Daily Routine. Android App for Tracking Smartphone Sensor and Usage Data. In 2018 ACM/IEEE 5th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft ’18). ACM, 72-75. Paper ansehen (Englisch)
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